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26th Aug 2021

African pastor dies while trying to recreate Jesus’ resurrection

Kieran Galpin

Sakara did not rise like Jesus

A Zambian Pastor has died after insisting on being buried alive like Jesus, so he could emerge three days later resurrected.

Sadly, James Sakara did not rise like the messiah.

In the original story, Jesus was crucified by the Romans and then his body was placed in a stone tomb. He later emerged alive and well.

Sakara wanted to prove he was a messenger from God, so asked to be buried alive for three days.

Zambia’s Diamond TV reported that the 22-year-old’s congregation wasn’t sure about the plan, but three members eventually agreed to bury him in a grave.

As the pastor recited bible verses, his hands were tied, and dirt was piled on top of him. Per his instructions, he was then left for three days before his congregation dug him up.

Rituals and  “exercises to resuscitate him” were employed but Sakara was unable to be revived.

One of the church members has handed himself in to police, while the other two who assisted in the burying are on the run, says MailOnline.

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