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17th Feb 2023

Anger as GMB guest says pregnant women are ‘lazy’ if they don’t wear makeup during labour

Charlie Herbert

‘It’s very easy to be a lazy person and to lower your standards’

There were some heated scenes on Good Morning Britain as a row broke out between guests over whether women should wear makeup when in labour and giving birth.

One of the guests on Friday morning’s edition of the show suggested that women who don’t apply makeup for the birth of their child are “lazy.”

Ed Balls and Ranvir Singh were on presenting duties and were joined by two women to discuss the reported fact an estimated 68% of women apply makeup on the same day as giving birth.

Clare argued it’s dangerous to “push a narrative” in society that women “need to be the best version of themselves and wear make-up” when giving birth.

But on the opposing side was Naomi, who went as far to say that she thought Clare’s opinions were “really offensive.”

She continued: “I think as a woman, it’s a woman’s prerogative to decide their own birth experience and for me personally, when I went into labour I had a blow dry the day before, I’d had fake tan – I did my hair and makeup because I wanted to feel good!

“It’s about feeling good within – I didn’t feel good during nine months of my pregnancy and I wanted to feel good when I was bringing my child into the world.”

Clare said Naomi was pushing a “dangerous narrative” though and was missing “the bigger picture” surrounding the debate.

But Naomi hit back: “How can it be a dangerous narrative to be the best version of yourself?”

She went on to add: “I did top up my make-up in between contractions – I was completely bored. I was doing my make-up and reading.”

Things really got heated though when she seemed to imply that women who don’t wear makeup for childbirth are being “lazy.”

She said: “It’s very easy to be a lazy person and to lower your standards.”

This prompted host Ranvir to gasp and interrupt, asking: “Are you calling women lazy?”

The debate prompted a strong reaction from many on Twitter.

One person said: “Being natural before & after having a baby should be embraced not branded as unhealthy or embarrassing!”

Another commented: “The mum on the left stated that women who don’t wear makeup during labour are choosing to ‘not make the effort’. Labour is the ultimate effort!!”

And a third said wearing makeup during childbirth is “the most vain concept ever,” adding: “It’s not a beauty pageant, it’s a delivery room, save the pampering till afterwards.”

But others suggested that women should simply do whatever they feel comfortable with.

One woman said she had worn makeup for the birth of her child because it was the “comfort of routine,” and “nothing to do with vanity.”

Another wrote: “Each to their own, if you want to wear makeup, get your eyelashes done & have a blowdry go for it if you don’t then that is also fine.”

Other viewers simply wondered why the ITV show was covering the topic and hosting the debate, with one quipping: “#GMB This is the most ridiculous topic this program has ever done.”

Another Twitter user agreed, writing: “What a stupid thing to debate over. Wearing Make-up during childbirth. Leave women to do what the hell they want with their face #gmb

A third sarcastically tweeted: “#GMB Tackling the real serious issues here.”

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