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07th May 2015

Audi refuse to pay £700 food bill as compensation for damaged car


This is going to prove an expensive mistake for someone.

After Siobhan Yap’s A3 convertible was damaged by a delivery vehicle at an Audi garage in Watford, the car giant offered to pay for the repairs plus dinner for two to cover the ‘inconvenience’.

However, when Ms Yap decided to treat her mother to a slap-up meal at London’s L’Atelier de Joel Robucho, with the bill coming to £714.15, Audi refused to shell out.

According to the Evening Standard, the tab included four glasses of champagne, two bottles of wine priced at £69 each, six cocktails, and a four-course dinner that came to around £300.

Oh, and don’t forget the £82 tip.

Audi were predictably unimpressed, offering to only pay half of the amount after saying the bill was ‘excessive expenditure for two diners’.

But Ms Yap told BBC News: “They put me through a lot of stress and it was a really nice restaurant.

“They should have specified a limit.”

