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11th Apr 2022

Australian man gets his supermarket rewards card tattooed on his arm – and it works

Charlie Herbert

A genius ahead of his time

A video of a shopper in Australia has gone viral after he showed off the tattoo of a supermarket rewards card on his arm, scanning it at the checkout to get those precious points.

In a clip shared on TikTok, shopper Ralph Rivera (@ralphrivera247) gets himself a bottle of Sprite at his local Woolworths, which is still going strong down under.

After scanning the bottle at the self-service checkout, he then leans over with his left arm. The machine registers his tattoo and tells him: “Your Everyday Rewards Card has been added.”

Ralph then smugly tells his friend “ah see”, implying that his mate was unsurprisingly dubious about whether the inking would work.

Watch on TikTok

Many took to the comments to voice their awe and admiration for Ralph and his incredibly practical tattoo.

One person joked that they would be getting a similar tattoo, with another writing: “How dedicated to Woolworths are you?”

Others thought that there was surely a more practical area that he could have got the tattoo, with one user commenting: “Could have at least put the tattoo in a place that doesn’t dislocate your arm using it.”

And someone else questioned whether reward card scanning was a task that really needed a solution like this, writing: “I just use an app on my phone called StoCard to store all my rewards cards. I think it’s a little easier.”

It’s not difficult to imagine a future where this sort of body scanning idea is common place though. It may only be in a few years time that we truly appreciate the game-changing genius of Ralph and his tattoo, and how ahead of the curve he was.

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