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20th Apr 2024

Brothers step in after dad refuses to attend daughter’s same-sex wedding

Ryan Price

Bravo to the brothers!

Two brothers are being praised online for stepping in and saving the day after the father of a bride refused to attend his daughter’s same sex marriage.

The married couple, who are popular content creators on TikTok with over 42,000 followers on their page @cynandtessa, posted a video of their wedding day, and the family drama that accompanied it.

In the subtitles that overlay the video, the couple spoke about how one of their father-in-laws threatened to derail their special day by refusing to come and citing his religious beliefs as the reason he couldn’t support their marriage.

Watch on TikTok

The text reads: “My father-in-law is very religious, and he did not attend our wedding. My wife was devastated, but she tried not to show it.”

The next scene shows one of the brides dancing and having fun with two of her brothers, Guillermo and Diego. The text reads: “In lieu of the father-daughter dance, her brothers stepped in for sibling dance.

“It was beautiful and meant a lot to us.”

The TikTok ended with a heartwarming photograph captured from that moment.

(Image: TikTok/Screenshot)

The clip has been viewed over 3.2 million times and people in the comments offered the newlyweds their well-wishes.

“He will be the only one with regrets unfortunately but so glad your bros had your back!” one person wrote.

Another commented: “Happy to see her surrounded with the love of her brothers.”

Another TikTok user pointed out: “Having a daughter is a PRECIOUS gift. I’ll never understand a parent who wouldn’t attend their daughter’s wedding.”

And someone else said: “He wasn’t needed! Your wedding was filled with true love and such peace.”

Other videos from the account reveal that Cyn was a single mother divorcee when Tessa came into her life.

The other TikTok’s on her account show her daughter bonding with her new stepmother and they look like one big happy family.

One person commented on another post: “This feels like a romcom plot.” We completely agree.

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