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01st Jun 2016

11 undeniable facts that prove The Rock is the best damn man on earth

An ode to Dwayne Johnson.

Richard Beech

The Rock is a man we should all aspire to be more like.

1) Anyone who normalises the act of eating 12 pancakes is a good man… a great man.

2) He’s good to his mum – we should all be good to our mums.

3) He makes time for the simple pleasures in life…

Like flexing his assault rifle guns on the log flume at Splash Mountain.

4) He rights his wrongs – we should all right our wrongs.

5) He knows more about history than most guys you see benching 180kg in the corner of the gym.

6) He has fully achievable life goals… and a good sense of humour.

A fucking great sense of humour.

7) His cheat days are the light we all need at the end of a particularly gruesome clean eating, gym-heavy tunnel.

8) He makes time for everyone – and goes the extra mile.

9) He makes time for the good things in life.

10) And, look, it’s important not to forget that he somehow knew about the death of Osama Bin Laden before the rest of us…


11) But most importantly, most damn importanly. Dwayne Johnson has never skipped a leg day in his life.


Jesus christ.