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20th Oct 2022

Vegans outraged after childminder dresses up as Peppa Pig and cooks bacon

Jack Peat

Jane McKennan got a grilling of her own on social media 

A childminder who dressed up as Peppa Pig and cooked “mummy and daddy” rashers of bacon has provoked outrage on social media.

Jane McKennan, 64, from Plymouth, wore a Peppa Pig suit in a video of herself frying bacon that has racked up 1.5 million views on TikTok.

As she placed three rashers of bacon in the pan one by one she said: “This is my little brother George, this is Mummy Pig and this is Daddy Pig.”

The comments have caused quite a stir among vegans, who have given her quite a grilling for the sketch.

She said: “You’re always going to get somebody who hates it. A vegan made a video about me saying that it isn’t funny to make fun of pigs being murdered for food.

“My video wasn’t about cruelty to pigs, the pan wasn’t even alight and it was funny because a woman my age was in a kid’s Peppa Pig costume.”

She added: “I get mainly positive comments but I get some trolls saying, ‘I hate you, old woman go to bingo or go knit”.

“They’re not going to change my life, they should go and do something more positive with theirs.”

Jane started filming videos in early 2020 when a friend sent her some funny TikToks that gave her the idea.

She said: “I just thought it was funny and I thought, “well I can do that.”‘

In March 2020, she posted her first video of her miming the words to Abba’s Angel Eyes but making the videos turned out to be trickier than she expected at first.

She said: “Filming my first TikTok video, my hands were shaking and I used to have the camera the wrong way round.

“It only got a few views, not even my friends and family watched it.”

Her Peppa Pig antics boosted her profile and since then she has gone ham by breaking the one million views barrier with 43 more of her videos.

She said while trolls and haters will always find fault with some of her videos, it’s worth making the videos if they help people.

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