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30th Nov 2015

Chris Hemsworth’s kind gesture to his parents shows he’s one of the good guys


Hunger Games star Liam Hemsworth did an interview with the Independent recently in which he told a great story about his brother Chris.

Chris, who has starred in Avengers, Thor, Star Trek and, let’s not forget, Home And Away, did something quite wonderful for sibling’s parents.


In the interview, Liam shared how his brother called their father one day and told him to look at his bank account.

“My father called my brother Chris back and said: ‘I don’t know how to feel. Since I left home I have had debts and I thought I’d be paying them off until I died and have this weight hanging over me, and now to have them completely cleared,'” he said.

“They are so happy now and able to spend more time with us, I would love to be able to do something for my parents like that.”

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