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26th Jul 2021

Couple sued for six figure sum after leaving negative online reviews

Kieran Galpin

One star review results in a couple being sued

A couple from Washington has claimed they are being sued for $112,000 after giving one-star reviews to a roofing company.

Autumn Knepper and Adam Marsh reported a leak to their landlord, who then employed family-owned company Executive Roof Services (ERS).

The couple reports that the receptionist was ‘rude’, which, let’s face it, is sort of the default setting for most receptionists. However, they also claim that ERS did not complete the task, which they have now reported to the Better Business Bureau.

“[The ERS receptionist] refused to give me any information. She said I would have to get it from the landlord. I asked to speak with the manager and she laughed at me. She told me I was verbally abusing her and that she was the office manager. She hung up on me,” Knepper told KGW News.

Marsh also reiterated his partner’s sentiments: “[She] told me that she was office manager and there was no one else I could talk to and hung up on me.”

Naturally, the couple posted a negative review after ERS reportedly did not confirm whether they would be completing the service. Michael Mecham, the owner of ERS, contacted the couple and demanded the review be taken down before  “more damages were done” to their reputation.

Knepper then said that Mecham “knew where [she] lived”, that he had a “forensics guy” and would “gladly spend a hundred thousand dollars suing [her]”. The local police told the contractor to not contact the couple again, but still, he persisted.

Through the Jordan Ramis law firm, Mecham continued his pursuit. The law firm also demanded the couple remove the review.

Then they were hit with a lawsuit, with ERS suing the couple a staggering $112,000. The law firm claims that this was due to defamation and intentional interference with business expectancy.

“I was terrified. I can’t afford a lawyer. I can’t afford to pay $112,000. And I can’t, I don’t want to file for bankruptcy,” she says, noting how she immediately burst into tears.