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08th May 2022

Drying clothes indoors can make you unwell, expert says, but there is a way around it for 79p

April Curtin

Damp clothes are a serious risk to many of us, but there is a solution

Keeping damp clothes indoors is dangerous, according to experts, but there is a super cheap way around it.

Jenny Turner, Property Manager at Insulation Express, told Hull Live just how dangerous it is to dry your clothes in the home.

Why? Well, the moisture from your washing could cause mould to fester in the house. This is dangerous not just for your health, but your bank account too, because you could be left with a hefty bill to fix the damage caused by mould on your walls, ceilings, and elsewhere.

And of course, health-wise, mould can be a serious issue – causing allergies, eszema and skin irritation, and creating issues for anyone with breathing issues or a weak immune system.

Luckily, there are ways to mitigate mould – even when drying your clothes.

Speaking to Hull Live, Jenny said: “To minimise the risk of mould developing when drying wet clothes at home, always keep a window open in the room to allow excess moisture in the air to escape.

“As mould and mildew can quickly build up on walls and ceilings, a further way to prevent this happening when skipping the tumble drier is to opt for a dehumidifier.

“An average-sized residential dehumidifier can effectively remove the moisture from the air in your home and collect up to 7 litres of water over a day in a damp environment.”

While dehumidifiers can get really expensive (we’re talking hundreds) there are actually some available at shops such as B&M and The Range for as cheap as 79p.

Jenny said: “For a dehumidifying effect without the use of electricity, try a combination of open windows and plastic window dehumidifier pots which can trap and collect moisture in the air. These inexpensive plastic pots can help to eliminate the risk of condensation on windows which can occur from drying wet clothes inside, adding to the damp atmosphere.

“Another cheap trick to draw moisture away from walls and windows is to place bowls of rock salt on the window sill when drying clothes, as this will help to absorb excess moisture in the air.”

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