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18th Nov 2022

Dog dying of cancer tries a McDonald’s cheeseburger for the first time

Charlie Herbert

She wanted to give him the best possible last day on Earth

A woman treated her beloved dog who was dying of cancer to a McDonald’s cheeseburger as part of her final day with the pet.

Emmie Nielsen, 23, from Putney, always treasured her time with 12-year-old staffy cross Molly, who she had had since she was a puppy.

But two months ago, a vet told her Molly was full of cancerous tumours and should be put down.

Emmie then planned a special last day for her with favourite treats, four-legged friends and time in the sun.

Speaking to the Mirror, Emmie said: “First we went to McDonald’s for her first and last cheeseburger and McFlurry.

“Then we took her for a drive to Pets at Home to get some attention from strangers and choose her last treat. She loved it.”

Emmie said that the last day – which she posted on TikTok – was very special.

The day’s activities included taking Molly on a walk to her favourite spot and stopping off so she could meet her doggy best friend.

The moving video finishes with the words “last stop” and sees Molly basking beneath a large tree in the sun.

Watch on TikTok

Emmie described Molly as the “most loving, loyal baby” who wouldn’t ever hurt a soul.

She explained that she had had her since a puppy and that she loved to eat everything in sight and have cuddles.

Describing the cancer diagnosis, she said that at first a few lumps appeared but they weren’t causing Molly any pain.

But then they got worse, leading to vets saying she should be put down.

Emmie’s heartbreaking video has since got 3.2 million views – and thousands of comments from fellow dog lovers.

One wrote: “I balled my eyes out. So sorry for your loss.”

Another wrote: “We will miss them forever. No pain like it.”

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