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25th Mar 2018

Flat-earther falls from the sky after rocket he built to prove the earth is flat crashes

"I do not believe in science." It looks like science doesn't believe in you either, mate.

Kyle Picknell

He was trying to make it into orbit with a rocket powered by water. Yeah. I mean… yeah.

A man called ‘Mad’ Mike Hughes fell from the sky yesterday whilst flying his own steam-powered rocket, which he had built to prove the earth was flat. How was he intending to prove it? Simple, actually. He was going to build his own rocket from scratch and then fill it with water and then fire himself into orbit to see for himself.

Hughes reached 1,875 feet before the rocket began plummeting to the earth, only surviving the ordeal thanks to the two parachutes installed. He was rushed to hospital, where they presumably would have treated him using medical science, but fortunately sustained no serious injuries.

The incident happened at the Mojave Desert, California, and was the self-taught scientist’s first real attempt at proving his theory after logistical problems and local authorities calling off his attempts. Why were authorities derailing his attempts to catapult himself into space via a plastic rocket powered only by Evian? Presumably because they didn’t want him to find out the truth. Presumably.

“Do I believe the Earth is shaped like a Frisbee? I believe it is, do I know for sure? No. That’s why I want to go up in space” he said, standing atop an oblate spheroid-shaped planet.

“Am I glad I did it? Yeah. I guess. I’ll feel it in the morning. I won’t be able to get out of bed. At least I can go home and have dinner and see my cats tonight”, he added, clearly looking forward to returning to his house, which is secured firmly in place by gravity to our near-spherical earth.

You can find Mike Hughes on Facebook, under @madMikeHughes. You can find everything he has proved thus far about the earth being “shaped like a frisbee” written on the back of an invisible stamp.