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03rd Aug 2021

Fourth officer who responded to US Capitol riots dies by suicide

Kieran Galpin

Officer DeFreytag’s death is the fourth suicide related to the attacks

Following Donald Trump’s defeat at the hands of Joe Biden and Kamala Harris, a group of rioters raided Capitol Hill to protest the result. Alt-right groups were heavily involved, and it was reported that several pipe bombs were found on site. Seven months later, a fourth police officer who responded to the attack has died by suicide.

“We came close to half of the House nearly dying on Wednesday… and if another head of state came in and ordered an attack on the United States Congress, would we say that that should not be prosecuted?” Senator Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez said. “It is an act of insurrection, it’s an act of hostility, and we must have accountability because without it, it will happen again.”

Officer Kyle DeFreytag, 26, had joined the force in 2016. He had been working the late shift when he was called to Capitol Hill. DeFreytag’s death is the fourth suicide related to the attacks.

In a statement to fellow officers, the DC police chief wrote:

I am writing to share tragic news that Officer Kyle DeFreytag of the 5th District was found deceased last evening. This is incredibly hard news for us all, and for those that knew him best.

DeFreytag’s passing was announced on the same day as the death of Gunther Hashida, 43, was announced. Veteran Jeffrey Smith, and Officer Howard Liebengood have also taken their own lives.

His death was announced on the same day as it was confirmed that fellow officer Gunther Hashida, 43, had also died by suicide, with 12-year force veteran Jeffrey Smith and Capitol Police officer Howard Liebengood also having died in the months following the attacks.

Former President Donald Trump was impeached for a second time following the attack on the Capitol, charged with inciting the insurrection. However, The Senate acquitted him back in February.

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