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26th Nov 2021

Grandma and man she accidentally texted reunite for 6th Thanksgiving

Danny Jones

Oof – right in the feels

Remember last week when we wrote about the strangers who became close friends after a Thanksgiving text was sent to the wrong person by mistake? Well, they have been reunited once again this year – and it’s set the waterworks off.

Jamal Hinton, 22, and wholesome grandmother Wanda Dench, 64, first met after she sent a text to what she thought was her grandson, only it turned out to be a random teenager by mistake.

Nevertheless, after Hinton jokingly asked if he could still get a plate, Dench stepped up to bat as it were – and the two have been meeting at Thanksgiving ever since.

This year’s holiday marks the 6th Thanksgiving they have spent together and it is a beyond-heartwarming story. The sad part of this year’s chapter is that Dench’s husband Lonnie couldn’t join them, having sadly passed away from covid back in April of 2020.

The pair addressed his departure on Hinton’s YouTube channel which he shares with his girlfriend, Mikaela, when the two sat down for Thanksgiving dinner with Wanda as they always do – only without one very important and equally welcoming person around the table.

Nevertheless, this year was obviously still a special one, being the first where families were properly able to be back together over the important US holiday.

Their story has continued to touch people’s lives more than half a decade on from when it first started and as you can see below, not only were Hinton, his girlfriend and other families there to make Thanksgiving 2021 a good one but Lonnie was still well and truly there in spirit.

Rest in peace, Lonnie and happy Thanksgiving to all of our American friends.

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