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21st May 2016

Here’s what causes *that* distinct after-sex musk

Now it all makes scents.


There’s no sophisticated way into discussing this topic so let’s just be adults about it and lay it out straight: there’s a smell that lingers in a room after sex.

Given everything that’s gone on beforehand, it’d make sense that there would be some kind of…odour to contend with once your [insert length of time here] of hot action is over.

You might have always wondered what the deal is with that, but never pursued it (you probably rolled over and fell asleep, let’s be honest).

You’re lucky we’re here, so. It’s worth saying at the outset that this olfactory explanation would only apply for heterosexual sex.


Spotted on Women’s Health, the smell is down to the combination of semen (which has a high PH), mixing with vaginal secretion (low PH).

Sara Gottfried, M.D., spoke to the publication and explained that the combination of a base and an acid creates something entirely different, so simply put, the level of the PH after sex can drastically affect the smell.

Another thing that can make a difference to that distinctive smell is the use of a condom.


The rubber can create a unique smell particularly when it’s mixed with sweat and the aforementioned varying levels of pH.

So there you have it, mystery solved.

Of course, if you start to notice an off-putting smell on a regular basis, it’s worth visiting your GP in case you’ve picked up a bacterial infection of sorts.