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27th Jun 2022

Man, 20, in constant pain plans to die by assisted suicide after heartbreaking ‘goodbye’ barbecue

Charlie Herbert

His condition has yet to be diagnosed

A man in Canada plans to die by assisted suicide following years of living in constant pain because of a mystery illness.

Eric Coulam, from Fort St John, British Columbia has been living with an undiagnosed illness since a tummy ache escalated years ago and ruptured his stomach.

The 20-year-old has been in and out of various hospitals for pancreatitis, liver and kidney disease and has lost his small bowel.

He has now made the decision to end his life with medical assistance, something which was made legal in Canada six years ago.

Eric has hosted a ‘goodbye’ barbecue which was attended by around 600 friends and family, who he says support his decision, the Mirror reports.

He has yet to choose a specific date, but he will be the one who decides when and where he ends his life, saying that there are still some things he wants to do and certain people he still wants to see.

Last month, he said: “I can go when I’m ready, it’s not when I’m sick, it’s not when they pull my meds or anything, it’s when I’m ready.

“I thought about it for a while, I kind of ghosted my family because I wasn’t in a good place. I knew it was what I wanted to do. It was hard to tell everyone else.”


In a post in a Facebook group dedicated to Eric, one of his friends copy and pasted a text message Eric had sent to him. It read: “I just want to acknowledge your strength and positive attitude towards life man.

“I have had enough, but you keep f****** going man. We got lots of supporters.

“I think about u lots and think how TF your still going.

“I’ll be up above rootin for you man! I will pass all my love and support your way.”

Eric’s mum passed away from suicide in 2013, and his grandmother has spoken of how difficult it will be to say goodbye to the 20-year-old after she has already lost her daughter.

She told the Vancouver Sun: “I lost his mum. And now I’ll be losing him.

“We had such a bond. We really enjoyed each other’s company.”

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