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27th Apr 2016

This guy’s Trump, Clinton and Sanders masks are terrifyingly realistic

This is the real election - vote for your favourite!

Jordan Gold

If this doesn’t put you off politics for life, nothing will…

Photos are surfacing from this year’s Monsterpalooza horror convention in Pasadena, California which purport to show an overweight Donald Trump, a kinky Hillary Clinton, and a sexy Bernie Sanders arriving at the event.

In reality, the terrifying synthetic face masks are the creation of Denver-based artist Landon Meier whose company – Hyperflesh – has been bringing famous faces to life for more than ten years. Other masks include Charlie Sheen and Bryan Cranston.

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In recent interview with BuzzFeed, Meier explained his bizarre motivation for bringing the masks to a public event and why he started making them in first place:

“I try to pick characters, people who’ll be fun to run around scaring people with. I try to pick topical stuff and right now, with the political atmosphere, everyone is so polarized and angry. So I thought it would be fun to lampoon each one of them.

“I made Bernie the sexy socialist hippie, made Trump a white trash dude, and made Hillary a…I don’t know…a male dominatrix, I guess.”

Each individual mask costs roughly $4,500 – which would you spend your money on?

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via Flickr


via Facebook / Hyperflesh


Which mask is your favourite?

Bernie Sanders
Hillary Clinton
Donald Trump
I can never unsee this

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