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01st May 2024

Man moves to all-inclusive 5-star hotel because it’s cheaper than living in the UK

Charlie Herbert

‘If you could do this, I just recommend doing it, it’s mental’

The cost of living is still proving to be a struggle to deal with for many in the UK. Whilst inflation is coming down, this still means prices are rising, and thousands of us are looking for ways to save money.

So how’s this for a money-saving hack – move to an all-inclusive five-star hotel for a month.

Well, that’s exactly what one many has decided to do, after working out that it’s cheaper than living in the UK and paying for rent and bills.

Back in February, Josh Kerr posted a video on TikTok in which he worked out that it’s cheaper to live in an all-expenses paid luxury hotel.

A quick search online led him to a five-star all-inclusive hotel in Turkey which he could book for a month – with flights included – for £938.

The TikTok racked up more than 1.2m views, and caught the attention of On the Beach, who decided to send Kerr on a trip to a separate five-star hotel – also all-inclusive – for the price of £944.

The Mancunian has spoken to ITV about his time at the resort, explaining how he’s still working remotely whilst enjoying all the hospitality that the hotel has to offer.

He said that in Manchester, his bills, rent and council tax came to £951, before you even factor in food shopping and other expenses.

Speaking about his everyday life at the resort, he explained that the three-hour time difference meant he could get a lie-in each day before work.

He continued: “You can do whatever you want in the morning, chill out and then start work.

“If you could do this, I just recommend doing it, it’s mental.”

He explained that the relatively cheap price was down to some of the hotel facilities, like the water slides, not being open because it’s winter.

But Kerr said he was still able to enjoy facilities like the patisserie and hotel gym.

He also added that he had booked off every Friday whilst he was at the hotel, so is able to go out and explore every weekend and still get some down time.

An all-inclusive stay at a five-star hotel that also could save you money? It seems like you can have your cake and eat it.

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