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25th Jul 2021

Mortified mum admits she’s suffering sleepless nights over daughter’s name

Kieran Galpin

This mum isn’t happy with Alexa

Baby-names are arguably subjective, though surely we can all agree not to call anyone else Phil for the foreseeable future. Lauren Johnson, a mum from Massachusetts, has suffered sleepless nights because of the name she chose for her daughter. Though many of you will be thinking of outlandish inventions or politically dubious nicknames, her daughter’s actual name is actually something most of us tend to say most days.

Just like everyone’s favourite in-home helper, her daughter is named Alexa.

“I’m 100% certain she is going to be picked on, bullied and teased for being called this,” she writes on Mumsnet.

“I’ve briefly mentioned to my ex my thoughts and he is firmly of the thought her name isn’t to be changed.

“I honestly think if I went to court (and I would consider this), a judge would allow a change for my daughter’s sake.”

Lauren has started a campaign called Alexa is a Human, where she hopes to educate people on the name and insist that the bullying stop.

“It’s a lovely name and it really does suit her, but recently I’ve had comments from kids and adults about it.

“Even my own bloody dad has bough at echo dot and thinks it’s hilarious when he talks to my Alexa and it answers.

“A friend primary aged kid asked if that meant he could tell her to sing songs for him like his Alexa does.

“I just feel like I’ve set her up for a lifetime of being told to turn the light off, or play 80s music or tell a bad joke.

“It’s hardly like Amazon is just going to change their name, is it? It’s honestly giving me sleepless nights,” she concludes.

“As I drive her home from school in tears, I wonder how her generation will be affected by a female human name being treated like a slave? Adults know better, but what will this make them feel or do? Will a young girl or boy carry this into adulthood?” she writes on her website.