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24th Dec 2021

Mum’s explanation for why she breastfed her husband has divided the internet

Danny Jones

Not all heroes wear capes

A woman who breastfed her husband is providing some very much needed explanation as to why. I mean, it’s none of our business, didn’t ask and TMI but at least we have some context now we can’t un-hear it.

In a series of TikToks posted to their account @twodears, mum Jennifer explained how she had started experiencing pain in her breasts both during and outside of breastfeeding time.

She soon realised she had a clogged milk duct – quite a common problem for many mothers – and after trying antibiotics, Epsom salt baths, pumping, hot towels and various other techniques, nothing was working and so she decided to try something else.

Well, her husband did. Yep. We’ll let her explain:

@twodears It worked ? #breastfeedingthoughts #ShareTheMagic #marriedlife #couples #marriagelife #marriedwithkids #storytime #motherhoodishard #momconfessions ♬ original sound – Jennifer

As she details in this first clip, the heroic husband stepped up in her time of need and effectively sucked away the milk clot from her ducts, alleviating the pain and allowing for it to once again flow more freely.

First of all, we are aware how grim the sound of clotted milk sounds in that sentence and we apologise but before you get ahead of yourselves, Jennifer herself recognises that while this may be a “kink” for some, in their case: “No. Just no”.

Naturally, people had plenty of questions including why pumping didn’t work and ‘how long did it take?’:

@twodears Reply to @earthbound.misfit #breastfeedingprobs #breastfeedingishard #postpartumproblems #postpartum #postpartumlife ♬ original sound – secret brittany

While Jennifer has already issued responses to the people dishing out hate and gross remarks in the comments, the majority of people have been understanding and supportive – in fact, most of them applauded not only the mum herself for raising awareness around female health issues but her fella, in particular, who almost certainly didn’t relish the assignment.

Nevertheless, as they explain in the latest update below, they acknowledged the undoubtedly humorous reality that she breastfed her husband but reiterated that aside from a few giggles, it was as awkward and painful as it sounds.

@twodears Reply to @moonchild86444 Answering some Q’s ? #breastfeedingthoughts #breastfeedingisnatural #momslife #marriedwithkids #marriedlife #coupleswithkids ♬ original sound – Jennifer

So yeah, luckily this one isn’t quite the same level of eyebrow-raiser as the couple that professed they do the same to get themselves in ‘the mood’ twice a week, but at least you came along with us for the ride.

Still, we don’t feel as keen to leave Santa milk and cookies tonight…

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