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20th Jul 2021

‘My triplets were born 7 years apart – they look identical and are very close’

Kieran Galpin

The Triplets were born 7 years apart

Though you might usually associate triplets with being born simultaneously, Helen and Oliver from Southampton are living proof that that is not always the case. Coco and Monty were born in August 2018, but their older brother Hugo was born in 2011, and yet, they are still biological triplets.

Coco, monty, and Hugo

Parents Helen and Oliver went through ten rounds of IVF, an expensive procedure that cost them £17,500 and forced them to sell their house. 10-year old Hugo is reportedly “inseparable” from his younger siblings.

Helen says Hugo bears a striking resemblance to his younger brother Monty. She says watching her newest additions grow with identical dark hair and eyes is like “going through a time machine”.

“People say there’s an unbreakable bond between twins and triplets,” Helen told The Mirror.

“I would say other kids Hugo’s age would find their brothers and sisters annoying.

“But the three of them are really close. Hugo will go over to the cupboard to get an apple and will always get three out.”

Before starting IVF, Helen and Oliver had tried to conceive for two years. She began IVF treatment in 2008 but repeatedly found herself in hospital. Helen sadly suffered a miscarriage and ectopic pregnancy before Hugo was born.


Hugo was conceived on the couple’s ninth cycle and joined the world in February 2011, weighing 7lb 1.5oz, and both parents agreed to freeze the remaining embryos for later. Despite the substantial age gap, the trio are still considered triplets due to the fact they were technically conceived at the same time.

“But the three of them are really close. Hugo will go over to the cupboard to get an apple and will always get three out.

“It’s never a question – he always wants to help out. Monty fell over the other day and was calling out for Hugo rather than Mummy.

“Hugo really is a big help. He’ll help walking them across the street and when he comes in from school they run up and each take a hand.

Helen, Coco, monty

“Hugo and Monty really look alike. Of course, there are always similarities between brothers and sisters but it’s freaky.

“People tell me it’s like looking back in time when they see Monty. It’s like having my first baby back!

“He’s going through the same obsession with the Hulk as Hugo did. It is a bit like going through a time machine.

“They didn’t share the same first word but they make up for it now with finishing each other’s sentences a lot of the time.”