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06th Jul 2021

Petition for Jeff Bezos to be refused entry back to earth hits 150,000 goal

Kieran Galpin

Send Jeff to Jupiter!

Millionaires are a little like Pokemon in that everyone has their favourite, the one they despise, and all of them are not really human. Jeff Bezos, the problematic former supreme leader of Amazon, is set to take off into space on July 20th. He will be joined by his brother, an undisclosed auction winner, and 82-year-old Wally Funk. You might remember that earlier this month, a petition was circling that aimed to deny Bezos entry back to earth, and now, that petition has reached its signature goal.

The New Shepherd will take three minutes to journey to the precipice of space, where it will experience weightlessness for another three minutes. Afterwards, the ship will fall back to earth. The petition for Bezos’s deportation from mother earth has a rather reltable set of reasoning:

“Jeff Bezos has attained the crown of world’s richest man, and he wears it proudly. He is arguably both fiscally and emotionally disconnected not just from a majority of humanity, but from a majority of what makes us human. And now he looks to fulfil total separation by leaving Earth’s atmosphere via means of a personally funded rocket ship. A means once only reserved for developed nations and their people to unite them in realising a more noble pursuit: “to inspire and serve…and to benefit the quality of life on Earth.

“In a country where people go bankrupt and homeless due to medical debt…

“where people must choose between going hungry or purchasing lifesaving medications…

“where people don’t have access to clean drinking water…

“where secured housing isn’t a guarantee,” the post continues.

“The recent billionaire space odyssey competition is a slap in the face to working-class folks struggling paycheck to paycheck just to survive. Whether they are struggling with food insecurity, healthcare, shelter, or access to clean water, these issues have a price tag that isn’t quite as unfathomable as the idle billionaires, corporate lobbyists, and Washington bureaucrats would have you believe. Endless studies have shown that it’s fiscally cheaper to move forward with a policy that would fully eradicate the deepest ills of our society rather than through an incrementalist policy approach, which seems to be Congress’ preferred method.”

The petitions reasoning continues for some time, outlining that despite their ‘contributions to society, billionaires lack the humanity and compassion to make lasting change.

“Billionaires and corporations should pay their fair share. Until then, Jeff Bezos can stay in space until he finds which intergalactic asteroid core contains his compassion and humanity,” it concludes.

The petition has now reached its goal of 150,000 signatures and has now increased that to 200,000. Though this petition does little to prevent Bezos’s return, it perfectly demonstrates the relationship between tycoons and consumers. It is just as empty and desolate as space, so maybe Bezos should stay there.

You, too could sign the petition HERE.