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31st Mar 2016

Piers Morgan believes Kim Kardashian’s latest topless selfie is the end of feminism

Simon Lloyd

By now, we’re all more than aware of Kim Kardashian’s penchant for ‘breaking the internet’.

Having roped in Emily Ratajkowski for a topless selfie on Wednesday, the image made waves across social media when both women shared it from their Twitter accounts.

While Kardashian opted for a more humorous message to accompany the image, Ratajkowski used it as an opportunity to discuss women’s rights to choose how and when they express their sexuality.

Unsurprisingly, it wasn’t long before Piers Morgan aired his views on the image.

Morgan also shared the image along with a picture of suffragette Emmeline Pankhurst and accompanied by the caption ‘RIP Feminism’.


To many, the idea that a couple of women doing what they want with their bodies and seemingly not caring too much about what other people thought about it hardly represented the end of feminism.