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01st May 2016

Seven foods you should avoid feeding your dog

Bow-wow know-how

Cathy Donohue

Dogs spend a huge portion of their days looking for food.

Pet owners will know this only too well: they’ll be fully aware of the sniffing around the kitchen table, the giving of the puppy eyes while you cook, and barking the house down when the food is ready.

But you have to be smart in the choice of nosh you feed your furry pal. Here is a list of the foods you really shouldn’t feed your pup no matter how many mournful glances they throw your way.



The chemicals caffeine and theobromine are found in chocolate and both of these are known to damage dogs’ hearts and nervous systems.

Our canines are unable to metabolise theobromine, causing it to build up in their systems. This can lead to vomiting, an irregular heartbeat, diarrhoea, restlessness and seizures.


Grapes and raisins

Both of these contain a toxin which can damage their kidneys. Excessive quantities can cause vomiting, diarrhoea, and in severe cases, liver failure.



Cheese is laden with fats that dogs find difficult to digest. When dogs eat cheese, they’re likely to experience gas, vomiting and diarrhoea.



Research shows that onions have been known to damage the red blood cells of dogs. This may affect their energy levels, causing them to become weaker.

Onions Onions have always played it quiet… but it turns out they contain tons of phytochemicals that can reduce inflammation. They’ve also been shown to have some anti-cancer effects. And another plus? They have virtually no calories.


Fatty-rich foods like bacon can cause pancreatitis in dogs. This condition causes inflammation and abdominal pain. If you suspect your dog might have pancreatitis, pay a visit to the vet for expert advice.


Macadamia nuts and walnuts

A relatively new discovery, macadamia nuts contain a toxin which can affect dogs adversely. Symptoms include high temperatures, tremors, and fast heartbeats.

Meanwhile, walnuts contain a fungus that is poisonous to dogs.

Walnuts The omega-3 fats in these little guys can help moisturise your skin from the inside out. They boost cell hydration too.

Fruit pips, apple cores and seeds

Some fruit pips contain cyanide, a poison which can cause death in dogs. It is also recommended that you avoid feeding dogs with any type of seed.



Meanwhile, if you’ve ever wondered by your dog stares at you while it poops, then the rather explanation sweet explanation can be found here. And while we’re on the subject of dog care, here’s why your dog might actually hate all your affectionate hugs.

Have you dog tips you want to share with us? Email us, or message us on Facebook

