1. They happily walk around with knots in their cables
Photo: @samwilsonsounds
2. They put stuff near the bin, but not actually in it
Photo: @Rebeccafaye13
3. They have the Samsung whistle tone on full volume
4. They put the lids on things without screwing them on
Photo: @ben_gibbs1
5. They squeeze toothpaste like an animal
Photo: @melhopjo
6. They don’t put their clothes away and just sort of live amongst them
Photo: @ohsalad_days
7. They leave all the cupboards and drawers open when they’re getting ONE thing from the kitchen
Photo: @sabrinalucianii
8. They use all the toilet roll and don’t bother to replace it
Photo: @Alinaabean
9. They eat pizza like, well, like a murderer
Photo: @ryxnss
10. They leave their hair spread all over the shower wall like a piece of art
Photo: @Tiffersbaby
11. They leave the bathroom soaking wet after a shower
Photo: @MooMoo2007
12. They leave their toothpaste in the sink without rinsing it away
Photo: @tachenia
13. They use their phone on super low battery without worrying in the slightest
Photo: @sorryimcami
14. They have noise coming out of their phone, laptop, tablet and TV all at the same time
Photo: @leandra23xx
15. They drink tea that looks like this
Photo: @AdeleVBW
16. They go around turning on every light in the house and never turn them off
Photo: @abbslindquist
I mean, I know you’ve got a chandelier, but do you need it on all the time?
17. And if they eat a Kit-Kat like this, just start running
Photo: @Syd_Nissan
Feature: @melhopjo / @letsgojohnsons