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29th Apr 2016

It *might* not be your fault if you can’t make your girlfriend orgasm

But it still *could* be your fault.

Jordan Gold

The size and shape of a woman’s vagina could be making a huge difference in the pleasure received by both partners.

A new study out of the University of Indiana and published in the journal of Clinical Anatomy has confirmed that size (and shape) does matter.

According to the study findings, if a woman’s clitoris is 3cm or more away from her urinary tract, achieving orgasm through penetration will be virtually impossible.

Likewise, a clitoris with close enough proximity to the penis to enjoy sufficient friction  will become stimulated, eventually resulting in orgasm.

Of course, a woman doesn’t necessarily have to have orgasm during sex in order to enjoy it. But it sure helps!

And you certainly can’t go around using this study as an excuse not to damn well try your best to make it happen.

The study explains why many women don’t have orgasm with intercourse:

“Though the public consciousness is typically focused on factors such as psychology, penis size, and the presence of the “G-spot,” there are other anatomical and neuro-anatomic differences that could play an equal, or more important, role in the frequency and intensity of orgasms.”

Elisabeth Lloyd from the Kinsey Institute told MedicalXpress:

“Women can do this measurement themselves or with their partner, to help explain their own sexual experience. We’ve learned in our research there are so many women who do not have orgasm with intercourse on a regular basis. 

So if you can’t make it happen with your… member, maybe try and make it happen with your mouth.