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19th May 2022

‘Stay-at-home’ girlfriend hits back at haters questioning her lifestyle

Kieran Galpin

Her boyfriend works as a financial advisor

A “stay-at-home girlfriend” has slammed her followers after an influx of criticism for relying on her boyfriend’s income.

Rose Davis, @rosedavisx on TikTok, is a proud “stay-at-home girlfriend” who regularly posts content about her day-to-day life. The 26-year-old claims she is the one who takes care of the house while her boyfriend works as a “financial advisor, investor in companies,” while owning real estate.

In a video posted in April, Davis says her boyfriend Harry: “tells [her] stay home and enjoy [her] life and agrees to pay for [her] hair appointments, manicures & pedicures, lashes, botox, laser hair removal, clothes, and makeup.”

Davis’ followers criticised her after she documented a “day in the life of a 26-year-old house wife / stay at home gf,” this month.

In the video, Davis’ day consists of getting her eyelashes done, eating snacks, doing some stretches, and “cleaning the bathroom”. After she watched some of the Netflix show Selling Sunset, Davis “organised the pantry” and made a cake for Harry.

“I wanted [Harry] to come home to cake,” she said. “I’m still getting to learn how to do baking and learning to cook and stuff. I’ve never been that into it, but since I’m staying home, I have been.”

TikTok users have not responded well to Davis’ vlog, with one person writing: “Please tell me this is a joke.”

“Idk how this is people’s dream life? You would get so bored of not having something proper to do surely,” another said.

Davis addressed the criticism in a follow-up video, where she wrote: “When ‘feminists’ in my comment section say don’t I get bored and wouldn’t I rather work and make my own money, rather than stay home and enjoy my life.”

“Um, let me think about that. Would I? No, no, I wouldn’t,” she argued through a lipsync sound.

But that isn’t to say there weren’t supportive comments, with many pointing out that “feminism is all about choice”.

“Sad how miserable some people are that they come on here to hate on your life choices. Keep doing u girl x,” another fan added.

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