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19th Jun 2016

Swimming dog realising he can stand in a pool is just too great for people to deal with

"Nah, I'll just stand here"


Swimming is for idiot humans.

Dogs are a wonder to the world, and we have no idea what we ever did to deserve them, but life wouldn’t be even half as joyful if they weren’t around, which is exactly why they should be celebrated at every opportunity.

Meet Cody, the labrador taking the Internet by storm.

At two-and-a-half, this golden lab is still learning things, and owner Tina Conrad caught the moment Cody realised swimming was a tedious task when you have the option of standing.


“Pass on the swimming lessons, human. I got this”.

The Twitter clip uploaded to account WeRateDogs has over 36,000 Retweets and has been favourited over 56,000 times. All in a day’s work.

If you fancy watching more of the same absolute joy, Cody now has a Facebook page and Instagram account for you to enjoy.

Here’s a Valentine’s post for you to fawn over:

What a hero.

Incidentally, if you’ve ever wondered by a dog stares at you as it poos, here’s your explanation.

And while we’re talking about dogs, try our dog breed quiz to see how well you really know your pooches.

