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22nd Feb 2016

This is where you can earn the most money for your job across the world (Pic)

We're getting shafted in Britain!

Ben Kenyon

We could all do with a little bit more money in our back burners.

Wouldn’t it be nice if all our jobs paid us a nice big juicy cheque every month so we weren’t cobbling together coppers to buy a pint of milk three days after pay day?

Britain’s highest-earning place to live was inevitably revealed as London – where you can earn on average £675 a week – that’s £275 more than in Huddersfield anyway.

But with pints costing a small fortune, landlords charging a king’s ransom for a dingy box above a kebab shop and the tax man bleeding you dry, there must be a better way?

Lottoland have come up with a handy infographic to show where common jobs like teacher, nurse, firefighter and construction manager are paid the best… and it’s not brilliant reading for Britain.

While it doesn’t show intricacies like tax and cost of living, it looks like most jobs can earn more elsewhere. Switzerland anyone?

Where Is The World's Biggest Wage?

