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12th Apr 2016

This London pub’s list of barred punters is straight out of a Guy Ritchie film

Anyone you know?

Matt Tate

One Armed Keith, Mickey Two Suits and Fat Paul.

These are three of the more infamous-sounding members of an old pub’s colourful list of barred customers that has found its way onto Twitter.

The list was compiled by staff at the now-closed Half Moon pub in Herne Hill, South London, but resurfaced online this week.

Also on the no-go list were “Staring Pervert”, “Tall Chavvy Fighting Idiot Of Old” and “The Ginger Drunk Twat Called Angus”. Crazy Linda’s in there too, like you hadn’t already guessed.

The iconic Half Moon played host to stars like Frank Sinatra and U2 in its heyday, but was closed in 2013 due to flooding. The London Evening Standard reported earlier this year that it is due to reopen in the summer, which is probably why someone dug up the list. More than 6,000 people signed a petition in favour of its return.

Whether or not the ban of “The Glaswegian” will carry over when the pub launches is unknown at this time, but everyone deserves a second chance, right?

