Some had expected a ‘ramp system that would travel me to the top’
Disgruntled tourists blasted Ben Nevis for being “too high”, “lacking 4G signal” and were livid they “couldn’t even get McDonald’s there”.
As the highest mountain in the UK, it’s one of Britain’s most famous landmarks and offers breathtaking views of the Scottish landscape.
Every year, more than 100,000 people visit the mountain to take in the breathtaking views of the Scottish Highlands.
But it doesn’t seem like everyone leaves satisfied.
Some of have come away from the beauty spot feeling underwhelmed – complaining about no supermarkets at the summit and the number stones around the path.
One visitor tried to ascend the mountain on a mobility scooter, together with her partner on a wheelchair and wrote on TripAdvisor: “After four-and-a-half hours laying on the path, a lovely family took turns carrying me up the mountain.”

But upon reaching the top, she found only more disappointment.
She said: “Not a single shop. I almost died getting to the top, and I couldn’t even get McDonald’s there!!!”
Another visitor had a hard time hiking with his buggy chair and said: “I had hoped for a ramp system that would travel me to the top, but there wasn’t.”
He even suggested government action to make the trail easier: “At the very least reduce the height of the mountain, it is simply too high.”
Another unfortunate visitor found the hike a little too challenging and wrote: “Even the sheep looked miserable.
“About three quarters of the way up my patience with my wife blew away too… if you have to take someone take a dog, as they can’t moan that their legs hurt.
“The whole trip has cost me all of my hiking gear… and a divorce.”
A man went even further and used the mountain to reflect on the whole country, and said: “Lacked 4G signal in many places, basically this mountain sums up Scotland as a whole.”
And when he finally reached the summit, another unexpected surprise and he added: “Also there was snow on the top… I don’t like snow.”
Another reviewer complained about the crowdedness of the path, and suggested there should be a “highway” coming up or down.
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