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10th Feb 2016

VIDEO: Footage of a man in London urinating while being arrested has gone insanely viral

Conor Heneghan

Being in trouble with the law is something that could make a fella lose control of his bodily functions and a man in London is going viral for having done just that.

The footage of the individual being arrested, which was apparently recorded in Camden, has gone viral on social media, more than likely because of the way in which the culprit begins to urinate while being escorted away by two police officers.

Clip via Faye Kiname

The time and date of the footage and the reasons behind the man’s arrest are so far unclear, but the extraordinary urinary capabilities of the culprit are all over the Interweb at the moment.

Just look at the expressions on the faces of the police officers trying their best to hold back laughter while ensuring they avoid a soaking in the process.

