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02nd Feb 2023

‘Vile’ TikToker blasted for comparing disabled kids to vegetables

Charlie Herbert

A petition has been set up to remove her from the platform

A TikToker has been on the receiving end of a huge backlash after she compared disabled children to “vegetables.”

In a now-deleted livestream, Kerrie Essex Baker, from Crewe, made the awful comments alongside her husband Darren.

In the stream, she said that the two instances when she believes abortion should be legal is when the woman has “not consented or you baby is literally going to be a vegetable and have not life.”

She continued: “A vegetable, yeah, you know what I’m saying, like can’t walk, can’t talk, just sat there.

She then pulled a face mocking disabled people.

Kerrie was condemned for the stream, in which she pulled a face mocking disabled people (TikTok)

This was followed by laughter from the couple, with Kerrie adding: “I’m not lying, I’m as real as they come, if you don’t like it f**k off! I don’t think before I speak.”

Parents of children with special needs condemned her for the comments, the Mail reports.

A petition has since been set up calling for her permanent removal from the platform following her “disgusting” comments.

Before her account was deactivated, Kerrie posted an apology video in which she said: “I’m utterly sorry, I really am sorry. It takes a lot for me to say sorry, but I know I’m wrong.

“A wise woman told me today ‘it doesn’t make you strong being a hard face, it makes you strong owning your s*** and being sorry.’

“I genuinely want to say I’m so sorry for how many people I’ve affected. I’ve spoken to parents today and I’m genuinely sorry at the way I made people feel.”

Kerrie posted an apology video before her TikTok account was deactivated (Facebook/Kerrie Essex Baker)

She then said that she “felt sorry” for disabled children.

Her husband has also apologised for the stream, saying it “should have been worded different on the other video and Kerrie has apologised for that, we never meant to cause anyone any hurt or upset.”

He continued: “Every single thing that I’ve said, that was vile and horrible.

“Looking back, that ain’t the person I am, there’s not more than I can say, apart from I am sorry.

“You don’t have to forgive me. I want you to go to bed tonight knowing I’m genuinely sorry for what I’ve said.

“I ain’t this naffy person that people think I am.”

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