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23rd Jul 2015

Watch the hilarious moment US reporter gets Australian rugby star Honey Badger’s nickname very wrong (Video)

Silly Americans...

Ben Kenyon

If you know anything about Australian rugby you’ll have heard of the legendary Honey Badger.

Nick Cummins is the hilarious owner of the greatest nickname in professional sport (so called because he was once so impressed watching a National Geographic documentary where the formidable creature took on a male lion, that he took on the name).

But it seems the Honey Badger’s celebrity has not quite reached the shores of America yet, as you can see from this commentator’s brilliant gaffe.

Live on US TV, the chap introduces Cummins and his team-mate thus: “These two studs are standing next to me. I’m joined by Nick Cummins, also known as eh… aka the Honey Bear, one of the best nicknames in all of sports.”

The Honey Bear! He’s not Winnie the Pooh, he’s the bloody Honey Badger…one of the most fearsome creatures in the whole damn animal kingdom.

Just watch this clip…

Cummins just laughs it off and carries on with the interview. Here’s some of the Badger’s greatest moments…

H/T Rugby Dump