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17th Apr 2017

Watch the terrifying moment a snake lunges at a passing motorcyclist

Fear of snakes? Don't watch this one...


Fear of snakes? Maybe don’t bother scrolling down for the video…

As any motorcyclist will tell you, it’s important to have your wits about you when your out on the road on your two wheels.

This, though, probably isn’t what most motorcyclists have in mind when they say such a thing.

The footage below comes from the dashboard camera of a car on a road in Lampang, Thailand. In it, we see someone in front of the car riding a motorbike.

As the bike reaches the bottom of a hill, we see its brake lights come on as the person riding it sees something in the road.

Seeing that this is a snake, the person attempts to steer the bike away from it, sparing it from becoming instant roadkill.


However, despite this, the snake repays the rider’s gesture by leaping off the tarmac in an attempt to sink its (almost certainly venomous) fangs into his leg.

Fortunately, the rider is able to think quickly enough to raise his legs out of harm’s way.

As he continues his journey, it seems likely the snake might actually have met its end under the wheels of the car from which the footage was recorded.

Karma’s a bitch, you horrible snakey bastard.

