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23rd May 2018

Woman sells her official royal wedding gift bag for huge five-figure sum

James Dawson

She’s one of a number of non-VIPs cashing-in

A 31-year-old woman has become the first to flog her royal wedding goodie bag on eBay, fetching around £21,400 for the gift, which, among other things, contained a souvenir order of service and a welcome letter from Harry and Meghan.

Shortbread, a commemorative magnet, Windsor Castle water, a large chocolate coin, and a voucher for the castle shop were also included in the goodie bag – which makes the whole thing a nice little earner in my book.

Ahead of the ceremony on Saturday, the HR manager had tweeted: “I got to watch the royal wedding right outside Windsor Castle in this amazing setting. Such an amazing day #Golden ticket #Royal connections.”

She’s not the only person looking to sell off her goodie bag, with a number of them appearing on the auction site after they were handed out to over a thousand members of the public.

The members of the public were chosen for various reasons such as showing leadership in their community and having undertaken charity work.