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26th Feb 2022

Hilarious video shows Ukrainian mocking stranded Russian troops – offers ‘tow back to Russia’

Simon Bland

The footage is the latest in a series of clips that appear to show brave Ukrainians confronting Russians in their country

Hilarious footage that appears to show a Ukrainian man offering to ‘tow’ stranded Russian troops back home has gone viral on social media.

After originally doing the rounds via a Twitter account called @Liveuamap, the short, dashcam-shot video – which shows a man in a vehicle approaching some solders stranded by the side of the road alongside what appears to be a Russia tank – was quickly subtitled and reposted by an account named @Aliostad.

In the reposted version, viewers can enjoy the Ukrainian man’s witty response to finding a handful of Russian troops stuck by the side of the road.

“Are you guys broken down?” asks the Ukrainian passer by, to which the soldiers respond by admitting they are “out of fuel”.

Without missing a beat, the Ukrainian bloke fires back: “Can I tow you back to Russia?” eliciting laughter from both parties, despite the country being the grip of a destructive ongoing war.

As the conversation continues, it becomes clear that the soldiers don’t know where they’re going, with the driver suggesting that they “surrender”.

The video is the latest in a spate of viral clips that appear to show brave Ukrainian locals confronting their Russian invaders. In another recent Twitter video, an elderly man can be seen berating Russian soldiers, asking them “What the f*ck are you doing here?”

He continues, pointing out that “I’m Russian too but I live in this state. You have your country, you have yours. Don’t you have problems in your country to solve?”

You can watch the video below:

Additional footage even appears to show a Ukrainian man standing in front of a convoy of Russian tanks in order to stop them in their tracks. Ultimately, the vehicles are forced to swerve out of his way to avoid running him over.

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