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15th Apr 2019

Jeremy Corbyn says Shamima Begum should receive state legal aid

The Labour leader defended the right to legal aid of the woman who joined ISIS

Oli Dugmore

Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn defended Shamima Begum’s right to legal aid

Jeremy Corbyn defended the right of a woman who joined ISIS to access legal aid provided by the state.

The home office said it intends to revoke Shamima Begum’s British citizenship after she fled the country and married an ISIS fighter.

Labour’s leader said no matter the crimes Begum is accused of committing, she is entitled to legal representation “just like anybody else is.”

Corbyn said: “She is a British national and, therefore, she has that right, like any of us do, to apply for legal aid if she has a problem. She has legal rights, just like anybody else does.

“The whole point of legal aid is that if you’re facing a prosecution then you’re entitled to be represented and that’s a fundamental rule of law, a fundamental point in any democratic society.

“We cannot and should not judge outside of a court.

“A court must make that decision and every person in front of a court, whatever they’re accused of doing, how heinous or bad the crime is, is entitled to that representation.”

Today foreign secretary Jeremy Hunt said he was made “very uncomfortable” by the prospect of Begum receiving legal aid. He may do well to consult fellow Tory Nigel Evans who recently became a proponent of legal aid after spending his live savings defending himself in court.

Jeremy Corbyn has defended Shamima Begum's right to legal aid (Credit: Anthony Devlin)

Danny Dyer has also argued Begum should be allowed to return to the UK.

A Legal Aid Agency spokesperson said: “We are unable to comment on individual cases.

“Anybody applying for legal aid in a Special Immigration Appeals Commission case is subject to strict eligibility tests.”