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19th Feb 2019

Isis bride Shamima Begum to have British citizenship revoked

Isis bride Shamima Begum, 19, will have her British citizenship revoked after requesting to be allowed to return to Britain with her child

Reuben Pinder

Her family have been notified by her lawyer

The Home Office have informed the family of Shamima Begum, who fled Britain in 2014 to join Isis, that they intend to revoke her British citizenship.

In a statement posted on Twitter, Begum’s lawyer, Tasnime Akunjee, said: “Family are very disappointed with the Home Office’s intention to have an order made depriving Shamima of her citizenship.

“We are considering all legal avenues to challenge this decision.”

Begum is currently in a refugee camp in Syria, where she gave birth to a baby boy, Jarrar, at the weekend.

She had requested to be allowed to return to the UK, claiming there is no evidence that she would potentially be dangerous, except for the fact that she joined Islamic State.

Sky News are now reporting that Begum can lose her British citizenship without Britain making her stateless, which would be against international law, due to the fact that she has dual citizenship with Bangladesh.