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01st Oct 2021

Only four per cent of Brits think Brexit has gone ‘very well’

Danny Jones

14 per cent said it was going ‘fairly well’

Approximately four per cent of Brits think Brexit is going “very well”, apparently.

This is according to a recent YouGov poll that surveyed a total of just 6,546 people – an admittedly small sample size in comparison to the approximately 46.5 million people that voted in the 2016 referendum – but we don’t think it’s too much extrapolation, to be honest.

Conversely, 21 per cent said they thought it was going “fairly badly”, while 32 per cent said they thought it was going “very badly”. A further 21 per cent said they thought it was proceeding neither well nor badly.

Though it feels like a lifetime ago since the entire process started, the poll itself was in regards to how they think it’s been going since we officially left the European Union on December 31 last year.

There were just eight per cent left feeling as though they were not sure either way – but as we face fuel shortages, the possibility of no turkey for Christmas and a myriad of other Brexit-related after effects, we have a feeling they might have a different answer come New Year.

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