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16th Mar 2022

Ukrainian soldiers scream ‘God save the Queen!’ when firing UK-made missiles, report says

Danny Jones

The UK has sent thousands of armaments in an effort to aid Ukraine’s defence

Ukrainian soldiers have apparently been heard shouting “God save the Queen!” when firing British-made weapons at the Russian enemy as Vladimir Putin‘s invasion enters its 21st day.

The report comes from The Sunday Times, which revealed that Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy relayed the story of the soldiers’ comments via an anecdote told during one of his most recent calls with Boris Johnson.

You can see footage of fighters firing anti-tank weapons and shouting all manner defiant remarks below:

The outlet went on to claim that Zelenskyy also serenaded the PM with two songs throughout a recent call, both of which were a play on the NLAW weapons that the UK has sent to Ukraine – the joke being that in the Ukrainian language, ‘W’ sounds are often pronounced as ‘Vs’.

According to The Sunday Times, the songs Zelenskyy chose were “All You Need Is [N-]Love” by The Beatles and “When You’re Young and in [N-]Love” by The Marvelettes.

NLAWs are shoulder-mounted anti-tank weapons capable of firing a single 150 mm high-explosive missiles up to 2,600 feet. Built in Belfast, the UK is thought to have sent more than 3,600 of them according to UK Secretary of State Ben Wallace. The defence minister has also discussed the possibility of sending anti-air missiles to the Ukrainian front as well.

While there is little more detail available and no footage to corroborate the reports of these supposed chants as yet, journalists from the Mail Online noted being greeted with “God save the Queen” as they arrived at a military base in Ukraine as well.

Moreover, Ukrainian soldiers have been spotted decked out in almost entirely British gear, according to foreign office minister and former soldier James Cleverly.

Though more can certainly be done, it would seem the UK’s contributions to the war effort have been much appreciated thus far.

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