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26th Sep 2018

Celtic player Johnny Hayes saves young Rangers fan from bullies and delivers lovely message

Rudi Kinsella

We’re not sure if he’s a Rangers fan anymore though

Johnny Hayes may not be the most well-known Irish international player, but after this classy gesture, he might well be the nicest.

Hayes is a Celtic player living in Glasgow, and he saw something a little unsettling while he was driving home last week: a group of bullies beating up a young child.

Callum McIvor was being “punched, kicked and thrown about”, until Hayes picked him up off the ground and made sure he was alright.

The Dublin-native offered to give Callum a lift home, but he declined as he didn’t think that his mother would let him, so Hayes drove slowly beside him and made sure he got home safely.

When asked if Callum knew who it was helping him, he replied: “No, not really, until he pulled away in the big fancy car, that’s when I realised”.

But the kind gestures didn’t stop there.

Hayes sent on an authentic Celtic jersey that he had worn in a match, along with a note which read: “Dear Callum, don’t ever let the boys from school get you down. Bullies aren’t worth your time. If you ever need anything at all, I’m only five minutes up the road. Johnny.”

Callum’s reaction is fantastic, have a look for yourself:

When asked if he’s going to change allegiances from Rangers to Celtic following this incident, he said: “Maybe”.

We don’t blame him.

