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02nd Nov 2021

Female MMA fighter speaks out after ‘horrifying fight’ with male opponent

Danny Jones

Ula Siekacz has spoken out after the brutal bout

Ula Siekacz, the female contender on one side of the controversial intergender fight in Poland last Friday (October 29), has spoken out after her defeat to Piotr ‘Mua Boy’ Lisowski.

Fight fans in general we are appalled to see this contest go ahead, with the fight ending in just the second round as Siekacz was floored and had to withstand an MMA staple ground and pound.

However, she has since taken to Instagram and assured her fans that she is okay but that she will not be entering into any more fights against men any time soon.

Translated into English, her captions reads: “Hi guys, I’m back alive and we keep going. I’m not gonna get slapped by a guy anymore. I consciously took up this fight – I knew what I was signing up for.”

She goes on to state how she is “waiting for some interesting suggestions and I will continue to develop”, declaring “what doesn’t kill us makes us stronger. Next adventure and new experience”.

As Siekacz explains in the post-fight interview above, filmed on Sunday (October 31), she admits: “I am very dissatisfied, it didn’t work out as I wanted […] I am disappointed in myself. Unfortunately for now I still have those negative emotions.”

She also admitted that she was surprised the referee stopped the fight: “I got more hits before and I could withstand those so I think the third round could easily happen […] so I have a lot of regret for the referee that he stopped it.”

It wasn’t the only fight that took place on the evening either; the second being between Wiktoria Domżalska and Michał Przybyłowicz – also known as ‘Polski Ken’ due to his Barbie doll-like appearance – which was swiftly ended in the first round.

Naturally, despite Siekacz saying she knew what she was in for, people on social media are still concerned over how an intergender fight was allowed to be carried out in the first place.

The International Mixed Martial Arts Federation (IMMAF) itself said of both fights: “It is unacceptable that women and men should compete against each other in combat sports, essentially for reasons of safety but also fair play, and we in no way endorse this.”

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