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17th Jul 2018

American actress ‘excited’ to be joining Liverpool

The Parks and Recreation star announced the move on Tuesday

Wayne Farry

The actress has starred in Curb Your Enthusiasm, The League and Parks And Recreation

American actress Alison Becker has today expressed her excitement at the prospect of joining Liverpool Football Club.

The former television presenter-turned-actress broke the news on social media platform Twitter today, after months of speculation linking the similarly named Alisson Becker with a move to the Anfield club.

“Excited to announce that I will be joining Liverpool as a goalkeeper!” said Becker in the tweet, which understandably excited many Liverpool fans and has, at the time of writing, more than 2,000 Retweets.

Becker will join the club despite absolutely not footballing experience, having never played for a professional club throughout her life.

She does however have an extensive history of working on the biggest stages of show business, appearing on music channel VH1 as well as popular television shows like New Girl, Kroll Show and 2010 film The Other Guys.

How will she get on at Liverpool? As someone who has yet to participate in a Premier League game, it’s hard to know. But if Liverpool’s fans reactions to her tweet are anything to go by, they’re quite confident.