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17th Jan 2022

Fan tries to stop mixed-gender MMA fight between porn star and plus-sized model

Charlie Herbert

He was a friend of one of the fighters

A bizarre mixed-gender MMA fight between male pornstar Alexander Pistoletov and plus-sized female model Sasha Mamaha had to be halted when a fan jumped into the ring and tried to join in.

Mamaha is also known as a Youtuber and has over 100k subscribers, whereas Pistoletov is a Russian porn star and singer.

The pair were taking each other on in an Epic Fighting Championship match, which Pistoletov was dominating.

However as he had Mamaha pinned on the ground, a friend of the blogger decided to jump into the cage and jump on Pistoletov.

The intruder was grabbed by the ref and security and then removed from the ring – but not without a big smile on his face.

When the fight was allowed to continue, Pistoletov unsurprisingly went on to win by submission.

But the story doesn’t end there.

The porn star agreed to carry on into the fourth round after Mamaha’s corner reportedly didn’t accept the result of the fight.

The blogger then managed to win the fight on points.

It probably won’t surprise you to hear that the rest of the card on the night was equally bizarre.

Following the fight between Mamaha and Pistoletov there was a a two-on-two cage fighting match between four female stars, with another celebrity match-up featuring Elena Berkova who is also a porn star who ran for presidency in 2018, the Mirror reports.

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