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20th May 2021

UFC legend confirms Dana White blocked him from boxing

UFC legend Georges St-Pierre has confirmed that Dana White blocked him from accepting an exhibition boxing match against Oscar De La Hoya

Alex Roberts

He retired from MMA in 2019

UFC legend Georges St-Pierre has confirmed that Dana White blocked him from accepting an exhibition boxing match against Oscar De La Hoya.

St-Pierre, 40, last fought in the UFC in 2017 and officially retired from competing in MMA two years later.

He was in discussions with legendary boxer De La Hoya with regards to a comeback clash, but these plans were scrapped when UFC president Dana White stepped in.

Georges St-Pierre last fought in the UFC in 2017, when he defeated Michael Bisping via submission.

Speaking to JOE, St-Pierre said:

“I was offered a fight with Oscar De La Hoya. But the rules were different because we are both retired.

“It would have been bigger gloves, two minute rounds, eight rounds – so the terms were different to accommodate it and make it more like a show.

“Part of our purse would have been given to a charity. Unfortunately, it did not happen but it would have been fun.”

When pressed as to why this fight did not get the go-ahead, GSP said:

“Triller are a competitor of the UFC and I’m legally, after retiring, five years under contract with the UFC.

“Otherwise, people might retire and just go fight somewhere else. But Dana did not want me to do it, and that’s fine.”

GSP has kept himself in remarkable shape since retiring, despite gyms being closed in Canada.

Speaking about his current training routine, he said:

“Everything’s closed so we have to train outdoors or in the park.

“My training has been very versatile because I’ve been travelling. In Los Angeles I was able to train with Freddie Roach, in Puerto Rico I was able to grapple and wrestle but out here I can’t do anything!”

GSP’s home workouts are largely based around calisthenics and building strength with bodyweight.

He is also a follower of the Carnivore Diet – or at least a version which is 95% animal protein.

This diet is characterised by exclusively eating animal produce, with very little in the way of vegetables or carbohydrates derived from plants.

“Everyone always used to tell me to eat my veggies, it’s very important,” said GSP.

“But this guy Paul Saladino [whose approach St-Pierre follows] has a different view. I wanted to test it out, so far I’m two weeks on it, very disciplined and I feel great.”

Georges St-Pierre’s Carnivore Diet breakfast, which, despite overwhelmingly consisting of animal protein, incorporates a small amount of fruit.

St-Pierre is also working with fitness app TRUCONNECT, which is aimed at providing everyone with the workout and training tools to train like an MMA star – even if you don’t harbour ambitions of stepping into the octagon.

Georges St-Pierre’s STRIKE workout series is available exclusively on community wellness and fitness app TRUCONNECT by TV.FIT.

Visit or @fitness on Instagram to find out more.