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15th Feb 2016

What was Floyd Mayweather doing in Amsterdam’s Red Light District? (Pic)

Ben Kenyon

If you thought Floyd Mayweather was going to be taking it easy in retirement, think again.

The undefeated American boxer hung up his gloves after a decision victory over Andre Berto to see his record of 49-0 equal the great Rocky Marciano.

But rather than sticking his feet up, polishing his ridiculous fleet of cars and counting his millions, Pretty Boy has been out and about.

After a whistle-stop victory tour of the UK – where he seemed to be doing a lot of shopping with his huge bodyguard – the 38-year-old stopped off in the Dutch city of Amsterdam.

If there’s one thing it’s famous for more than anything is the infamous Red Light District and Mayweather apparently turned up on Valentine’s Day for a look round.

How do we know? Well – he let his 11.1m Instagram followers know with a rather cheeky post on February 14.

The post read ‘if you pay, you can slay’ and there were some rather suggestive hashtags in there too.

The area of the city is notorious for it’s sex shops, adults theatres, strip clubs and brothels.

We’ve honestly no idea what a multi-millionaire world champion boxer would be doing in such a place – spot of window shopping maybe?