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15th Jul 2018

People spotted something hilarious during the World Cup final rain storm

Wayne Farry

What will be known in future as the World Cup final rain storm gave us presidential behaviour at its finest

The 2018 FIFA World Cup has been spectacular and, in truth, one of the very best World Cups in memory.

We’ve had incredible games, stupidly funny moments and some of the best punditry and commentary in years. This tournament has lived up to expectation at literally every step of the journey, and it didn’t disappoint today either.

The main course today was of course the actual World Cup final. Usually these games are rather boring, with neither side willing to take a risk and actually go for it.

Not today though, and after 90 minutes and six goals France were crowned world champions, defeating Croatia by four goals to two.

At this point you’d have been forgiven for assuming that the comedy had run dry in this tournament. It’s the medal and trophy ceremony, what could possibly happen?

Well, it decided to rain. There had been a storm brewing all day in Moscow, with rain the only thing missing for hours, right up until the closing ceremony.

World Cup final rain

As the players lined up to collect their gold and silver medals, Vladimir Putin stood alongside French president Emmanuel Macron and Croatian president Kolinda Grabar-Kitarović, who were greeting their own players.

It was then that the rain started, and people began to notice that for some reason just one person had an umbrella…