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01st Nov 2016

People can’t handle the new changes to the Apple emojis

Hard-hitting news...

Rebecca Keane

2016 has taken many things from us, beloved celebrities like Pete Burns, Jean Alexander, Prince, Caroline Aherne and Victoria Wood to name a few.

While we mourn the loss of our favourite stars, it seems like Apple just want to kick us while we’re down.

Not only have they killed off the headphone jack and the USB port, but now they want to kill off one of our favourite emojis.

man crying gif

Cabel Sasser, founder of a software company for iOS has tweeted about the new emojis that we’re going to get in iOS 10.2.

While the main emojis will stay the same, they’ll be redrawn so they appear clearer on our screens.

Showing us the difference between the old and new emojis, Cabel tweeted a gif with all the icons.

What’s alarming to us however, is that if you squint a bit, you’ll see in the left-hand corner that the beloved peach emoji has lost its shape.

As in, *cries* the peach emoji doesn’t look like a butt anymore!

If you can’t see it, the peach is located between the cucumber, the aubergine and the banana in the ‘dirty corner’ of emojis.

People took to Twitter to mourn the loss of the perfect peach.

Of all of us, we’re sure this is going to hit the Kardashians the absolute hardest.

Our thoughts and prayers are with you ladies.

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