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10th Oct 2016

Snapchat is making a change we’ve all been calling for

Change keeps on coming.

Carl Anka

Snapchat giveth. Snapchat taketh away.

The app is making up changes to its Stories feature, overturning two decisions that came in following the recent update.

According to Mashable, Snapchat will be doing away with its auto advance feature, so you’ll no longer go from one of your mate’s fun stories to that boring work colleague’s tale of being in the cinema.

Also being changed is the Discover tab – in a move to make Snapchat more personal, all that media guff will head to the bottom of your feeds.

Instead, what we will get is the ability to prioritise and pick the Stories you want to read the most.

They are introducing a “Stories Playlist” for people who want to be able to watch several specific Stories at once.

Mashable shared a .gif to give a clear idea of what the new feature will look like.


Perfect for when you want to get a good lurk on your crush catch up with close friends and family using the app.

Apparently the Snapchat change will also see some changes to how advertisements purposely invade gently inform your experiences on Snapchat.

A spokesperson for Snapchat tells us that ads will now play in between Stories within the playlist feature, rather than just jammed in any which way.

Sounds as if Snapchat realised a mistake, listened to fans and reversed it. What a wonderful time to be alive.


